
所有学生都可以选择添加, 下降, or withdraw from credit courses according to a defined timeline without affecting their grade point average.  Students using federal financial aid (Title IV) earn funds on a pro rata basis through 60 percent of a period, based on days completed in a credit-hour program or clock hours completed in a clock-hour program.  Students are subject to the Return to Title IV calculation if they received federal Title IV financial aid and withdrew from all courses without completing all of the days they were scheduled to complete in the payment period, unless they provide written confirmation that they plan to attend another course later in the same period.


A student may add or 下降 a course or courses online by the designated add/下降 date within the first few days of classes provided the class is not closed. If a course or courses are added that increases the total hours enrolled from part-time to full-time status, 将收取额外学费. If a course or courses are 下降ped that decreases the total hours enrolled from full-time to part-time status, 学费将被调整,并发放学分或退款, 如果需要. 指定的添加/删除日期列在本网站的学术日历下. 它也公布在本学期的课程安排中. 所有日程变更必须在学生的myCCTC账户中在线完成, 在添加/删除期间.


All schedule changes after add/下降 period require the student to complete a Withdrawal/Section Change Form with their instructor(s). Students may withdraw through the withdrawal period and receive a grade of “W” which will not be computed in the grade point average.  The student-initiated withdrawal process must be completed prior to an attendance 下降 submitted by the faculty member, or the student must provide documentation for extenuating circumstances to the department chair/program manager of the department in which the course resides.

  • 退出面对面的课程(不是在线或混合课程)
    If students realize they can no longer meet the attendance requirements of a face-to-face class, they may withdraw from the class before the published withdrawal deadline and receive a grade of “W”.  学生必须与导师面对面交流。.  取款单 will be provided to the student by the instructor (the first instructor if the student is withdrawing from multiple classes). 学生必须取得最后出席日期及导师签名。. 学生必须与经济援助顾问会面并获得顾问的签名. 学生必须将签名后的表格交给出纳.  出纳将扫描签署后的表格,并将原件交回学生.
  • 退出在线或混合课程(不是面对面的课程)
    If students realize they can no longer meet the attendance requirements of an online or hybrid class, they may withdraw from the class before the published withdrawal deadline and receive a grade of “W”.  The student must email the instructor of each class from which the student wishes to withdraw.  取款单, 包括最后出席日期, 每个老师会通过邮件发给学生吗.  学生必须将表格交给收银员. 如果学生不在服务区, the financial aid counselor will email the form(s) to the cashier and send a copy of the email to the student.   出纳将把表格扫描进来.
  • Withdrawal from a class under extraordinary circumstances such as the student is hospitalized and is unable to come in to complete withdrawal form(s). 
    If students realize they can no longer meet the attendance requirements of a class due to extraordinary circumstances such as hospitalization, they may withdraw from the class before the published withdrawal deadline and receive a grade of “W”.  Students or their representative must follow the process to successfully withdraw from a class under extraordinary circumstances. 学生或学生代表必须给注册主任发电子邮件或打电话.  必须提供证明情有可原情况的文件.  建议学生联系财政援助.  取款单, including last date of attendance, will be completed by the Registrar.  The Registrar will email the form(s) to instructor(s) requesting permission to withdraw student(s) from courses.  表格一经收到并附有导师签名, the Director will take the form to financial aid for signature and to cashier for scanning.  收银员会把表格扫描进来.


Students who request a withdrawal after the published withdrawal deadline must submit official documentation of medical/personal reasons to the Vice President for Student Affairs before grades are entered. Only extenuating circumstances where the student cannot contact the college before the end of the semester will be considered after this time period. 在退出截止日期后要求“W”的适当理由包括:
a. 学生或直系亲属住院治疗;
b. 从学院服务区搬迁;
c. 改变工作时间;
d. 军事 orders — TDY or PCS; or
e. 其他情有可原的情形.
The Vice President for Student Affairs will review the situation and will contact the faculty members for each course affected for input. 如果上诉被批准,注册主任将为该学生打“W”级.
Students who request a withdrawal after the published withdrawal deadline without documentation of extenuating circumstances will be referred to the appropriate instructor.  The instructor may assign a “WA” (Withdrawal for Attendance) if the student cannot successfully complete the course.   Note: Health Science students should consult the Health Science Handbook and their instructor for special attendance requirements for clinical assignments.


要求更改课程部分的学生, 在删除/添加周期之后, 必须得到教员或系主任的同意. Section changes are only allowed if the student is moving from one class to another within the same part of term.  学生将需要打印一份提取/部分更改表格 表单库 on the College’s website and obtain signatures from both instructors or from the department chair.  Once faculty and/or department chairs have approved and signed the withdrawal/section change form, 学生需要将表格提交给收银员, located in Student 服务s Building 300 for processing or to 澳门赌钱线上平台 at outreach locations.


(803) 778-6654
